terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010

Guardate. Io sono ancora una piacente estate di San Martino,in "Falstaff" by Boito and Verdi http://www.ufoseek.org/fatimajv.htm Some Secrets Diversi Racontti Incredibili et Confidentiels 2

Next year during the 1975 "Hot Summer" I spent some days in Praia do Carvoeiro in Algarve.Beside Praia do Carvoeiro, separated by rocks, is Praia do Paraíso and to get to it you must climb a road to  access by steps,the Beach of  Paradise:.One night after thinking that I'd have to have to climb the steps back, already by that time I had problems,I went down to the sand.Je m'y coucha regardant immensity of this visible part of the Universe,when suddenly three guys appeared before me ,let's say not in a very friendly way,and when they were about to get closer to me,each of them was surrounded by little  moving blue lights,what made them run all way up the stairs,and I,by God's favor(?) didn't dye that hot summer night.
It has been the first attempt to kill me.,after the 25th April 1974.
Some others would follow, the main, in 75/76 but they involve so important and powerful people and was then  revealed and seen so disturbing events ,that I'll be careful not given details by now,just saying that UFOs were involved.

Travessa Miguel Lupi nº 1 parte da cave,a que não tinha acesso por nenhuma das entradas da Travessa

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

Diversi Racontti Incredibili et Confidentiels and the 4 last pages of "les Extra-Terrestres dans l'Histoire" ,where moral is focused and not "moraline" a term so dear to Louis Pauwels,de Jacques Bergier e Drª Fernanda Villalobos

Lisbonna  July1974 à casa di un'amicco connosco qualcuno appena arrivato di Londra,partendo il giorno prossimo per Praia da Luz,all'Algarve pour travailler dans un bar,ce fût tout que je sûs.Ma in questi giorni io no mi fermava spesso à casa e appena uccito  ho connocciuto ,Rua Garrett,un belissimo biodino di Lagos,anche in Algarve.
Je l'ai présenté a deux amis un poète et diseur déjà décédé,l'autre diplomate quello che guidava, a deciso di portalo à lagos quella stessa notte .
Arrivatti viccino à Lagos celui qui conduisait l'auto ,subito si slancio a sinistra in una strada quasi di pietra .Ce fût étrange pour moi étant-il un excélent conducteur,une telle érreur: cétait Presque le désert.
C'eranno picoli muretti sparsi e volgendocci nous vûmes quelqun sedutto et décidâmes de lui demander le chemin pour Lagos.
Era proprio lui!Almost 5 o'clock in the morning in the middle of nowhere was in front of us the reason of that jouney to Algarve.
Parece incrível mas é verdade!
     (a continuar que esta não foi a única....)
Queiram desculpar erros ortográficos,alguns devidos a dislexia,outros ao tão pouco últimamente ter falado outras línguas que o Português,e mesmo esse quase sempre  "vorcepsisado",quanto mais escrever línguas estrangeiras...
Some of my favorite authors in my middle early youth were , mostly policials:almostAgatha Christie,almost all Jacques Simenon,almost all Erl Stanley Gardner sûrtout  but also others Camus Sartre,Beauvoir,Sagan,Molière,Henry and Arthur Miller,Feydeau,Beaumarchais etc, and so on, usw ...